*All card charges will incur a 3% service charge.
Class Descriptions
Each class is designed to welcome all levels from beginner to seasoned yogi’s. If you are looking for an absolute beginner class please try Transform
Hot HIIT Flow: We turn up the heat and the music. You move through a detoxifying and cleansing yoga flow, strengthening the body; adding cardio HITT bursts into the mix. Variations for everyone will be given!
Fire Flow…Sweet Surrender: This is studio owner Maria’s signature class. Come join us for all levels flow...Designed to warm your body, rock your core and soothe your soul. The practice is sealed with a beautiful guided meditation.
Asana & OM: An all levels class rooted in a blend of Bikram and Ashtanga series with a strong emphasis on alignment principles. Meditation and breath work are integrated to promote balance between the body, mind and spirit.
Flow & Glow: Our classic all levels vinyasa flow class. Each instructor will build heat by linking breath with flowing continuous movement, sprinkled with some longer juicy holds. An underlying theme will be woven in throughout the class. Be prepared to move and BE MOVED!
Slow Flow & Glow: Looking to slow down while still generating heat and leaving class with that yoga glow? Then this class is for you! Same as our Flow & Glow class just at a slower pace.
Transform: This is our class for those who are beginning their yoga journey or those who are coming back to the mat after some time away. We designed this class to increase flexibility and release tense muscles in a soft inviting way. Clear, concise directions will be given. Enjoy your metamorphosis into a yogi!
Rhythmic Power Flow: An hour long class packed with dance-y sequences interlaced with poses to rock your strength!
Power Pilates: Set to energizing music this one hour class infused with yoga and mat pilates combines strength training, cardio, and mind body balance into one fun and dynamic workout.